Traditional Handicrafts Sectors

Lao Handicraft Association works to support Lao artisans in the seven broad traditional handicrafts sectors. In addition to supporting and promoting these sectors, LHA works with many local and  international organizations in the fields of handicrafts, cultural research and preservation, sustainable development and tourism to further its goals of preserving and promoting traditional Lao handicrafts. 

Lao Traditional Food


Fiber plant and natural dye cultivation, natural silk production

Cultural Products

Pottery, traditional musical instruments, metal casting

Creative Crafts

Saa paper making, recycled wood and paper crafts

Gold / Silver Jewellery

Silver and gold jewelry, precious gems, traditional ceremonial silver and gold ornaments and utensils


Traditional Lao weaving, hand-made carpets, embroidery, story cloths
Rattan baskets

Non-timber Forest Products

Bamboo, rattan, coconut and other NTFP crafts

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